Составить рассказ о глобальных проблемах в мире на английском, самому) можно использовать переводчик!

ARISKA2006 ARISKA2006    3   02.03.2021 21:18    0

Валерия11111246 Валерия11111246  01.04.2021 21:20

Hi folks. Now i would like to tell you about global world problems. İn my opinion one of the biggest problem is the exhaust from the car and waste from factories. Then deforestation, people kill a lots of trees and forests. People pollute oceans and seas by plastic. Also, many people live in one place in poverty because of corruption on the part of the authorities. In these countries, health care and the economy suffer greatly. All these problems are created by man. As Scott Westerfeld said, "Humanity is a disease, a cancer on the body of the planet" İn conclusion i want to tell that if we wont stop we will suffer.

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