Составить расказ про реп 9-10 предложений . на языке только не сложный для 5класса : 33

drachl drachl    3   21.06.2019 08:50    1

kanzmak kanzmak  16.07.2020 22:48
I love to listen to music.but more I love rap. favorite rapper Eminem.Rap is part of the tradition of oral story, which originated in Africa many centuries ago. An example of this tradition can serve as a West African storyteller. To the accompaniment of a drum or percussion, storytellers entertained and instructed the audience, telling the history of the tribe and current events. Their performance was accompanied by a satirical deviations, sayings, jokes, prayers, and ridicule. The reading of the music in the twentieth century as manifested in such musical genres as gospel, jazz and rhythm & Blues.
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