Составить предложения с новыми словами. treasure – сокровище
merchant – купец
contribution – вклад
display – демонстрировать
masterpiece – шедевр
engrave – гравировать
except – кроме

sehya72 sehya72    3   30.01.2021 17:54    0

Derety11 Derety11  01.03.2021 18:56
1)My mom is my treasure
2)there are a lot of diligent merchants in my country
3)A number of famous actors made contributions to children’s home
4)My computer’s display was broken
5)I was shocked when I had seen a masterpiece goal by Messi
6)engraving is really difficult kind of art
7)All the students,except me were punished because of undone homework
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