Составить предложения с каждым из фразеологизмов: one's cup of tea- не по вкусу a piece of cake- пустяк spill the baens-открыть секреты (take everything) with a pinch of salt- недоверчиво crying over spilt milk- сожалеть о непоправимом

shaxzad123 shaxzad123    3   21.03.2019 12:00    0

БразилицУченик БразилицУченик  26.05.2020 13:17

1. Mary likes to read books, it is her cup of tea.

2. It is a peace of cale for Mike to to write an essay.

3. My friend spilles the beans.

4. Kate takes everything with a pinch of salt.

5. Andrew is crying over spilt milk.


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