Составить по три предложения (утвердительное, отрицательное, вопросительное) в каждом из 5 времён ( 15 предложений всего) (времена :past simple, past continuous, present simple, present continuous, future

назар163 назар163    2   19.01.2021 22:35    0

Supermegahulk Supermegahulk  18.02.2021 22:36

Past SImple:

1. She did her homework yesterday. - Она делала домашнее задание вчера.

2. She didn't do her homework yesterday. - Она не делала домашнее задание вчера.

3. Did she do her homework yesterday? - Она делала домашнее задание вчера?

Past Continuous:

1. We were playing computer games the whole day yesterday. - Мы целый день играли в компьютерные игры вчера.

2. We weren't playing computer games the whole day yesterday. - Мы не играли целый день в компьютерные игры вчера.

3. Were we playing computer games the whole day yesterday? - Мы играли целый день в компьютерные игры вчера?

Present Simple:

1. She goes to the gym every day. - Она ходит в спортзал каждый день.

2. She doesn't go to the gym every day. - Она не ходит в спортзал каждый день.

3. Does she go to the gym every day? - Она ходит каждый день в спортзал?

Present Continuous:

1. He is reading the book now. - Сейчас он читает книгу.

2. He isn't reading the book now. - Сейчас он не читает книгу.

3. Is he reading the book now? - Он сейчас читает книгу?

Future Simple:

1. You will go fishing tomorrow. - Ты завтра пойдешь рыбачить.

2. You won't (will not) go fishing tomorrow. - Ты завтра не пойдешь рыбачить.

3. Will you go fishing tomorrow? - Ты завтра пойдешь рыбачить?

t89633261566polypony t89633261566polypony  18.02.2021 22:36

* Past Simple

She arrived late yesterday.

Did she arrive late yesterday?

She didn't arrive late yesterday.

* Past Continuous

We were cooking at that moment.

Were we cooking at that moment?

We weren't cooking at that moment.

* Present Simple

My cousin lives in Leeds.

Does my cousin live in Leeds?

My cousin doesn't live in Leeds.

* Present Continuous

Helen is dancing now.

Is Helen dancing now?

Helen isn't dancing now.

* Future Simple

They will deliver the goods next week.

Will they deliver the goods next week?

They won't deliver the goods next week.

* Future Continuous

They will be reading at 5 p.m. tomorrow.

Will they be reading at 5p.m.?

They won't // will not be reading at 5 p.m.

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