Составить пересказ стр 10-11 "Жизнь эко-протестующих" (образец прикреплен) ПИСЬМЕННО. Life in the trees.
I would like to tell you about eco protesters. They belong to a protest group and live in a camp at Burnham Wood. The local government wants to build luxury homes here, and the protesters want to stop them. This forest is a thousand years old and is home to important wildlife. ECO protesters are close to nature. They get up early and are always busy. They do their homework and various types of work at the camp. They sleep in tree houses.
In the evenings, ECO protesters have a big meal. They don't watch TV. They prefer to play music and talk. They stay up late. Vegetarian eco-protesters - they don't eat fish or meat.
Most locals agree with the eco-protesters. They bring them food and clothing. They also want to preserve this forest.