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meduzakoy4kla meduzakoy4kla    1   13.12.2020 20:09    1

Aemond Aemond  12.01.2021 20:16

They were not cleaning the house the whole day yesterday.

Were they cleaning the house the whole day yesterday?When were they cleaning the house?What were they doing the whole day yesterday?Were they cleaning the house at 10 o'clock or the whole day yesterday?They were cleaning the house the whole day yesterday, weren't they?Who was cleaning the house the whole day yesterday?
PolinaКэт PolinaКэт  12.01.2021 20:16

отрицательный Weren't they cleaning the house the whole day yesterday?

Общий вопрос Were they  cleaning the house the whole day yesterday?

Специальный Why were they cleaning the house the whole day yesterday?

Альтернативный Were they  cleaning the house or garden the whole day yesterday ?

Разделительный They were cleaning the house the whole day yesterday, weren't they?

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