Составить небольшой диалог на тему "the misunderstanding", по возможности используя слова: invite,expain,complain,suggest,threaten,ask,offer,insist,remind,admit.

LeНин LeНин    2   23.07.2019 12:30    0

прнннр1 прнннр1  15.09.2020 22:49
Classmate - C ;Nick - N; Teacher - T
T - Hello everbody! Today we are going to write a little test.
C - S..Sorry, but last lesson you ask me to remind you that next lesson we are going to wath TV and relax.
N - Oh, you are joking! I admit that you sad, but why not to write something?
T - Can you explain me, what is going wrong?!
N - Last lesson, you was very bisy, so we are insist in "relax lesson"
T- Ok, I remember it...
C - you are offer us...
T - What a pity! I can't agree with you. Ok, Let's start to relax and play sms good!
N and C - Yeees!
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