Составить монолог на тему: верите ли вы в существование мистических существ на

БУЛИЧКА23 БУЛИЧКА23    3   12.07.2019 01:00    1

morozovnikitamotop morozovnikitamotop  18.09.2020 06:15
The existence of the mythical creatures, I do not believe it, but I do not exclude it. For example, clairvoyants, who sit in "the shop of a fortune-teller," too, can be something mythical. The magic around us. But at the same time it does not.
Катякатя2005 Катякатя2005  18.09.2020 06:15
Of my point of view, the mystical creatures are exists, because I know a lot of people, who saw ghosts, spirits and so on. They told me many stories about that. Someone saw ghosts in old castles, someone saw them in abandoned houses. But I want to see this mystical creatures with my own eyes.
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