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Russian Culture
Russia is a country with long-standing cultural traditions dating back to the pagan times. It is the homeland of many
world-famous artists, writers, poets, architects, sculptors, musicians and dancers. Russian contribution to the world
culture is hard to overestimate.
Russia is famous for its icon painting, which it inherited from Byzantium. The art of icon painting started in Russia
in the 8th and 9th centuries. But only in the 14th century icon painting in Russia took on a much greater degree of
personal expression. The most famous figure in this change was Andrey Rublyov, whose works can be viewed in
both the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow and the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.
Russia is proud of its famous artists, whose pictures one can see in different picture galleries. They are Levitan,
Repin, Surikov, Serov, Vasnetsov and a lot of others, who lived in the past and who are working nowadays.
Russia is proud of its writers and poets. Alexander Pushkin is one of them. He created a new linguistic synthesis that
is still in use. In his later years he moved towards the realism that dominated in the 19th-century literature.
The poet and novelist Mikhail Lermontov succeeded Aklexander Pushkin. His descriptions, in both lyric and
narrative poems are unique for their power and depth.
The novelist and philosopher, Leo Tolstoy was a man of wide interests. And in his novels he tried to discover truth
about the nature of human existence and human behaviour.
There are many other prominent writers and poets, and one of them is Fyodor Dostoyevsky. He tried to find out the
nature in extremes of human behaviour, such as crime and rebellion.
Anton Chekhov tried to understand the particular circumstances of common human lives. He describes his characters
with irony, pity or disgust.
The poet and novelist Ivan Bunin, was the first Russian writer to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature (1933). He
worked primarily in short prose form.
Russia is proud of its famous musicians and composers. There are many outstanding Russian composers who wrote
classical music, such as A Schnitke, A Skryabin, S. Prokofiev, D. Shostakovich, S. Rachmaninov, P. Tchaikovsky,
A. Borodin, I. Stravinsky and many others. There is a tendency to speak about classical music with particular
reference to the music of the past to the 19 th century. However, the term also includes music being written now, and
we may speak of modern classical music.
Russia is proud of its ballet, which is one of the famous in the world.
There is still a lot to say about Russian culture, as this theme is inexhaustible when we speak about Russia. Russia's
cultural heritage is enormous and priceless indeed. And Russian people keep it up and are very proud of it.