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filimo2000 filimo2000    3   09.06.2019 06:10    0

gladishsofiya gladishsofiya  01.10.2020 22:49
Interview with Michelle Rodriguez
-Hello Michelle, tell me why did you decide to become an actress?
What or who  influenced your decision?
-Hello,since childhood I dreamed of becoming a famous and popular,I really like to play, play in public and pretending.
- So how did you manage  achieved your goal?
- Certainly support of my family, work and perseverance! I can only say one thing, if a person has a dream, if he wishes with all his heart to achieve it, he will do it! I did it!
- Wow,exellent Michelle!It's really awesome! few can achieve their dreams! good luck! I hope your words will give hope to those who dropped his hands!Thank you for personal meeting me!Nice to see you,bye!!
-Bye bye
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