составить диалог на английском
Write down a dialogue, discussing the points below, using some helpful
phrases in addition to those you already know: Wouldn't you agree that…, If
you ask me…, I'd like to point out that…, I see (take) your point…, That's quite
true…, I'm not sure I quite agree…, I see what you mean but…, To my mind…
1. The 20th century as the era of the rapid development of science and technology.
2. The contributions of science and technology to the well-being of people and
development of public education.
3. Given a number of problems that are a matter of our great concern, would our
life have been better without science and technology?
4. The most outstanding scientists of all times.

ilviragaraeva2 ilviragaraeva2    1   28.05.2020 20:40    4

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