Составить диалог " как я провел лето" и в диалоге должно быть хотя бы 12 реплик. заранее

taklecovatana taklecovatana    3   10.06.2019 07:00    0

KristheMalen KristheMalen  08.07.2020 19:01
- Hi!
- Hello, I'm glad to see you.
- Me too.
- How were you summer holidays?
- Oh, it was boring.
- Why?
- I was just lying on the bed all day.
- I'm sorry for you.
- It's okay. How about yours?
- It was awesome! I found a new friend and I spent all summer holidays with him.
- Cool.
- Yeah, it is. I have to go, bye!
- Bye-bye.
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