1(acting): Quit acting like a baby.
2(looking for): And nobody will look for him.
3(mean): I didn't mean that literally.
4(happen to): Nothing must happen to those children.
5(hearing): Mainly because my hearing is so great.
6(enabling): The enabling regulations were adopted in 2005.
7(to feel): I was beginning to feel neglected.
8(to warn): I actually came by just to warn you.
1(acting): Quit acting like a baby.
2(looking for): And nobody will look for him.
3(mean): I didn't mean that literally.
4(happen to): Nothing must happen to those children.
5(hearing): Mainly because my hearing is so great.
6(enabling): The enabling regulations were adopted in 2005.
7(to feel): I was beginning to feel neglected.
8(to warn): I actually came by just to warn you.