Составить 7 вопросов по тексту. 1) It's Monday morning and while you are getting dressed, you're looking at yourself in the are getting dressed, you're looking at yourself in the mirror,' i'm too skinny. I'd like to put on a little weight and be a bit taller and more muscular,' you think.' I also wouldn't mind thicker hair, longer legs, better teeth and a smaller nose. Speaking of my nose, is that a pimple on it? Oh, here we go again! I can't go out. I can't stand people staring at me.'

2) Do these remarks sound familiar? Almost everyone would like to change something about their bodies. Teenagers feel that way quite often because their bodies change while they are growing up. As you body changes, so does the way you feel about your physical appearance. Your body image often affects the opinion you have of yourself.

3) As body matures, you may think that it draws attention to you, and you may feel uncomfortable. You may also compare yourself to your friends to see if you are 'normal'. But growing up doesn't happen at the same speed for everyone. Girls usually start changing sooner than boys. Sometimes, they suddenly put on weght as their bodies need fat to grow. On the other hand, boys notice their voices getting deeper. These changes usually take place over two to five years.

Вайсбергггг Вайсбергггг    1   17.12.2020 10:33    18

salazarcpt salazarcpt  18.01.2024 21:03
1) Какие мысли посещают главного героя, когда он смотрится в зеркале?
2) Почему подобные замечания знакомы большинству людей?
3) Почему подобные мысли о собственном теле часто возникают у подростков?
4) В чем заключается связь между изменением тела и мнением о собственном внешнем виде?
5) Что может вызвать неприятные ощущения во время изменения тела подростка?
6) Как могут сравниваться подростки с другими?
7) Какие изменения происходят у девочек и мальчиков во время подросткового периода?
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