составить 5 во по тексту. 8 Класс
Family traditions
In every family there are different traditions. Family traditions help people to feel themselves part of the whole, strengthen the family unity and simply to enjoy happy memories. I think that the moments spent in the circle of your family are the most precious.
We have a great tradition in our family. On May Day we usually go to the country where my grandparents live and spend there our days off. I often help my grandma with gardening or go fishing with my granddad. We love to make up picnics. My father usually cooks Russian fish soup and grilled vegetables. We often sit up late at night and look through our family albums. I can sit for hours studying each image and recalling life events. It is so touching. If it is summer, on weekends we go to the river to sunbathe and swim. We play beach volleyball or badminton. To tell the truth, I like to "unite" with the nature. As for me, I can spend hours staring at the water. At night we often build a fire and sing to a guitar. At these moments I feel the happiest person in the world.
Another family tradition is decorating our New Year tree with ornaments, tinsel and candles. As I am fond of handicrafts, I usually make scrapbooks of our celebrations. My mother usually makes New Year's tree decorations and it definitely adds a special festive touch to the New Year decor. Besides, we usually celebrate New Year at home, in the circle of our family. I get up early in the morning and help my mom to cook a festive supper. It is a tradition in our country to have a certain menu for this holiday. Usually it is a baked goose, a famous Russian salad called Olivier, jellied minced meat and, of course, champagne. Then I go into my room to put my gala dress on. Sometimes my mom asks me to help her lay the table. When all preparations are behind, we watch TV and wait for our guests to come. When the Kremlin chimes strike twelve times, all of us make wishes, hold glasses of champagne and wish each other Happy New Year. Children usually receive long-awaited presents from Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden. Besides, New Year fireworks are must-have for this holiday.
Frankly speaking, I love all holidays but my birthday is my favorite one. My parents usually wake me up early in the morning with a nice song "Happy birthday, dear Sophia" and give me their presents and flowers. We always invite guests to our place and make fun. We sing songs, dance and play games. Then, suddenly, all the light goes out and my parents bring a very nice cake with burning candles. I make my wish and blow out all candles. In the end of the party all of us come outside and set off fireworks.
Topical Vocabulary:
1) to unite — объединяться
2) to strengthen [fstrerj0(9)n] — усиливать, укреплять
3) family unity — единство семьи
4) precious ['prejbs] — дорогой, ценный
5) to go to the country — ехать за город, в деревню
6) day off— выходной
7) to make up picnics — устраивать пикники
8) Russian fish soup — уха
9) to sit up late at night — засиживаться допоздна разглядывать
11) family album — семейный альбом
12) to sunbathe ['sAnbeiG] — загорать
13) to stare [stea] — пристально смотреть
14) to build a fire — разжигать костер
15) to sing to a guitar — петь песни под гитару
16) tinsel [4in(t)s(3)l] — мишура
17) handicraft ['haendikra:ft] — ручная работа
18) scrapbook ['skraepbuk] — альбом для вырезок, фотографий, картинок
19) celebration [, seb'breif(9)n] — празднование
20) festive [Testiv] — праздничный
21) in the circle of a family — в кругу семьи
22) jellied minced meat — холодец
23) to lay the table — накрывать на стол
24) preparations — приготовления
25) long-awaited — долгожданный
26) Grandfather Frost — Дед Мороз
27) Snow Maiden — Снегурочка
28) to set off fireworks — запускать фейерверки
29) to invite guests — приглашать друзей
30) to make fun — веселиться
31) to blow out candles — задувать свечи