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Biology is the science of life. The word "biology" comes from
two Greek words: bio - "life" and logos - "discourse" or "study".
Biology includes all the facts and principles which have been derived
from a scientific study of living things.
Biology tells us about our body: how it is constructed and how it
functions. It gives us important information about other living things
and how their lives affect mankind. Knowledge of biology will help
you to keep healthy. It will be your guide in solving many of everyday
living and scientific problems.
People who are engaged in biology are called biologists. They
study the secrets of living things: how they feed, breed and survive. A
biologist's laboratory is a fascinating place. In it you may find
powerful microscopes and other instruments. Biologists make great
efforts to find out everything that is possible about living things by
carrying out experiments. They always keep very complete and
accurate records of their observations. Biologists' discoveries are of
great value to all mankind. Biologists have solved many mysteries of the body. They have
discovered how blood circulates, how food is digested and many other
secrets of life. They are now working in different fields of biology and
their studies may lead to a solution of many problems.
Biologists have made a great contribution to science. They have
increased our food supply; they have developed new and better
varieties of plants and animals. Scientific methods of farming have
given us much more food. Biologists control many diseases. They
have saved millions of lives by discovering the causes of these
diseases and methods of prevention and cure. Vaccines, penicillin and
sulfa are products of the biological laboratory.
The special study of plants, Botany, and of animals, Zoology, are
the two great subdivisions of the science of biology. Plants and
animals are called organisms, and each different type of animal or
plant is called a species, so biology may also be defined as the science
of organisms.
There are millions of different plants and animals, some of which
are invisible to the naked eye. They exist all over the Earth's surface,
often in spite of very difficult conditions - from the icy Arctic and
Antarctic to the dry, baking deserts near the Equator. They also live in
the seas and oceans, from the shallow waters of warm tropical seas to
the gloomy ocean depths.
Most people think that plants are not alive in the same sense that
animals are, or that there is some fundamental difference between
plant and animal life. But this is not so. Plants and animals have much
in common. Their more important points of resemblance are: 1) The
living substance of plants and animals is organized into protoplasm.
Protoplasm is the basic material of all living systems and its general
properties are fundamentally the same in each system both in plants
and animals. 2) Both plants and animals consist of microscopic
structural units called cells. 3) Certain vital processes take place in
plant bodies in the same manner as in animal bodies. These processes
are respiration, sensitivity, digestion, growth and reproduction.
4) Both animals and plants can not live without certain necessary
conditions. All living things need water, oxygen, food, light and
proper temperature. Both plants and animals are of different shapes, sizes and colours.
In fact, the differences are not so many as the likenesses although they
are more apparent. Plants get all the energy they need to live from
sunlight by the process of photosynthesis. Animals get the energy by
eating plants, animals or other organisms. Most animals can move
about, and they have senses, such as sight, hearing, touch, smell and
taste, which plants lack.