составить 5 примеров с present continuous, выделить схему. из этих предложений образовать отрицание и вопрос (итого 15 предложений)

nikitaerm45nikita nikitaerm45nikita    2   14.09.2019 17:28    0

varyatitova20 varyatitova20  07.10.2020 14:49
Sara is doing her homework
Sara isn’t doing her homework
Is Sara doing her homework?

Mark is sleeping.
Mark isn’t sleeping
Is Mark sleeping?

My mother is cooking a dinner
My mother isn’t cooking a dinner
Is my mother cooking a dinner?

Ann is reading a book
Ann isn’t reading a book
Is Ann reading a book?

They are watching TV
They aren’t watching TV
Are they watching TV?

My friends are walking in the park
My friends aren’t walking in the park
Are my friends walking in the park?
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