составить 5 предложений со словами из модуля 4a английский 6 класс

составить 5 предложений со словами из модуля 4a английский 6 класс

anna16191 anna16191    2   30.11.2020 22:42    14

Злая4Пташка4 Злая4Пташка4  10.01.2024 06:52
1. I have a pet dog at home.
- In this sentence, "I" is the subject, "have" is the verb, "a pet dog" is the object, and "at home" is a prepositional phrase that indicates the location.

2. She rides her bicycle to school every day.
- Here, "She" is the subject, "rides" is the verb, "her bicycle" is the object, and "to school" is a prepositional phrase indicating the destination.

3. The teacher explains new grammar rules in class.
- In this sentence, "The teacher" is the subject, "explains" is the verb, "new grammar rules" is the object, and "in class" is a prepositional phrase indicating the location.

4. They play football during their break time.
- Here, "They" is the subject, "play" is the verb, "football" is the object, and "during their break time" is a prepositional phrase indicating the time.

5. We study history and geography in school.
- In this sentence, "We" is the subject, "study" is the verb, and "history and geography" is the object.

В каждом предложении я рассказываю о разных действиях или событиях, используя слова из модуля 4а английского учебника для 6 класса. В предложениях также привожу подробные объяснения о структуре предложений, чтобы школьник мог лучше понять, как они составлены.
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