составить 2 диалога на подобие этих(столько же предложений) , только со своим меню

ARMY130613 ARMY130613    1   19.02.2020 21:09    5

Рафаэлла2004 Рафаэлла2004  11.10.2020 09:43

Doctor-By what device did you come to our clinic?

The buyer, I don’t know, tell me something from the head.

D-I think you should buy Citramon. Is this the right drug for you?

P-do not worry, it is not so important.

D- I advise you to go to the doctor and get checked.

I’m sure to go.

D-something else you want to purchase?

P: yes, please, you can give vitamins of your choice. To improve the functioning of brain activity

D - yes of course. They will do.

P: yes, can you tell us a little about these vitamins?

D: These vitamins improve brain activity, they should not be drunk more than 3 times a day, morning, afternoon, and evening. They are quite sweet in taste and look good.

P: thank you very much I just bought vitamins for my daughter's children, but she doesn’t drink medicine, including vitamins. D: don't come again yet. P: Bye D: Bye

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