Составить 10 спец вопросов к текту what is social work? social work is an established professional discipline with a distinctive part to play in promoting and securing the wellbeing of children, adults, families and communities. it operates within a framework of legislation and government policy, set out in putting people first and the children’s plan, and contributes to the development of social policy, practice and service provision. it collaborates with other social care, health, education and related services to ensure people receive integrated support. it is a profession regulated by law. social work is committed to enabling every child and adult to fulfill their potential, achieve and maintain independence and self-direction, make choices, take control of their own lives and support arrangements, and exercise their civil and human rights. it looks at people’s lives and circumstances in the round, and works with them to personalize social care responses to fit their own individual situations. its approaches and working methods aim to promote empowerment and creativity. social work embodies a set of core values and principles. it is committed to the rights of the child; respects the equality, worth and human rights of all people, and their individuality, privacy and dignity; and challenges discrimination and prejudice. its knowledge base, drawn from relevant academic disciplines, is informed by the experience and expertise of people using services, developed through research and tested in practice. social work makes a particular contribution in situations where there are high levels of complexity, uncertainty, stress, conflicts of interest, and risk, particularly to children and vulnerable adults. it applies specialist analytical skills and knowledge to assessing these situations, and making complex judgments on action to take.

Gtfdgrrgd Gtfdgrrgd    1   04.07.2019 13:30    14

kurilkodanil kurilkodanil  28.07.2020 07:53
1.What policy does social work operate within a framework of?
2. What does it contribute to?
3. What does it collaborate with?
4. How is it regulated?
5. What is social work committed to?
6. What do its approaches and working methods aim?
7. What set does social work embody?
8. What is its knowledge base informed by?
9. What does social work make?
10. What skills does it apply to?
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