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Confucius was one of the greatest moral teachers of all time. He lived in China about five hundred years before Christ. Confucius studied ancient Chinese writings from which he took ideas that to him seemed important to the development of fine characters. Then he taught these ideas to the princes and to the students of all classes who came to him for instruction. The rules he laid down 2,400 years ago are still respected.
Confucius' Chinese name was Kung-Fu-tse. At the age of twenty-two Confucius began to teach men how to live happily. His principle rule for happiness, "What you do not wish done to yourself, do not do to others," was much like the Golden Rule. He tried to teach people the right moral conduct based on love, justice, reverence, wisdom, and sincerity.
One of his teachings, the reverence for parents, had a powerful effect on China, because it teaches reverence and worship of all ancestors. It made China for a long time to look to the past instead of moving forward.
Confucius did not consider himself a god. In fact, he taught nothing about a supreme being. He believed that man was naturally good and could preserve this goodness by living harmoniously with his fellow men.
Within five hundred years after his death, his teaching became the philosophy of the state. But when Buddhism appeared, the teachings of Confucius were almost forgotten for a period. They were later revived, and even today his teachings influence the lives of millions of people.