Составить 10 предлож. на passive voice

ынпщщ357 ынпщщ357    3   07.10.2019 05:20    1

Nope2281 Nope2281  11.09.2020 08:19
Book is read by me
many videos are watched every day
Youtube is used by millions of people
Records aren't made of glass
The phonograph isn't used nowadays
The sound is recorded on tape as sounds waves
How is your bedroom decorated?
How often are festivels celebrated in your region?
Pictures were made of card
Is music played in your school?
daryachita daryachita  11.09.2020 08:19

1. The room was cleaned by Jame's daughter

2. The new buildings were built by famous architectors

3. I am taught English by my brother

4. the flowers are watered by children

5. My car will be repaired by workers

6. The letter will be written by me tomorrow

7.Football is played by the children.

8.The president was elected by the people.

9. The child was hit by a car.

10. This book was written by an Irishman.

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