Составь диалог на две темы (air pollution,animals disappearing ) you are discussing some environmental problems.choose an environmental problem. air pollution,animals disappearing. say you are very concerned about this problem. say what people should do to make the situation better. say that you are also worried about the problem.

Комарова23 Комарова23    2   20.08.2019 14:10    1

certus certus  31.08.2020 18:52
Animal disappearing
-Oh, look it's a tiger!
-So he was wroten in a red book.
-And why he there?
-That tiger near to disappearing. And now he securied for our world.
-Wow, there so amazing!
-Nothing amazing in there... Peoples are destroy all world and kill all animals.
-Oh, sorry I don't think about this.
-OK, goodbuy!
-For next meet!
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