Сопоставь выражения из двух столбиков, чтобы получились правила поведения при переходе дороги:
1. Don't cross a. the pavemant near the kerb
2. Look for b. between parked cars
3. Stop before c. lean out of the window
4. Make sure d. a zebra crossing or a traffic lights crossing
5. Don't e. both ways for traffic
6. Listen and look f. the street is clear
7. Stand on the pavement g. you walk onto the road
8. Don't h. run
1. Don't cross b. between parked cars
2. Look for d. a zebra crossing or a traffic lights crossing
3. Stop before g. you walk onto the road
4. Make sure f. the street is clear
5. Don't c. lean out of the window
6. Listen and look e. both ways for traffic
7. Stand on the pavement a. the pavemant near the kerb
8. Don't h. run