Сomplete the text using the words given below in the box. Translate the text into Ukrainian in written form. ((
Haircuts, entrepreneur, partnerships, profits, risk, process, tangible, middlemen, undertake, fail))
Businesses are generally of three types. Manufacturing businesses are
organized to 1 various materials into 2 goods, such as automobiles, breakfast etc. Service businesses produce services such as insurance, 3. And some firms - called 4 - are organized to buy the goods produced by manufacturers and then resell them. Business takes different forms. The three
major forms of business are: sole proprietorships, 5 and corporations.
Anyone who owns and operates a business is often considered to be an
6. The word entrepreneur means “to 7”. Entrepreneurs and small businesses owners are motivated by the possibility of earning 8. They also
accept the 9of losing money if their businesses 10.