Some/any/no SOME/ANY/NO Party Story
1. I'm going to enjoy this party. I don't know at all/ I know , but I'm going to have fun.
2. Hey, there's that I know. He's in my Computer Science class.
3. I think I'll go talk to him. He doesn't seem to be with / He is seem to be with . He's probably alone.
4. No. Maybe not. If he's all alone, then is ignoring him, probably because he's very boring.
5. That's a nice-looking girl over there. I should go over and talk to her. No, I don't think so. She probably has interesting to say/ She doesn't have interesting to say. I'll keep my distance.
6. I am hungry. I think I'll go to the kitchen. There must be snacks in the fridge.
7. That's strange. There's food in the fridge/ There isn't food in the fridge. What is one supposed to eat in this party?
8. Ah! There are snacks, over there, in the corner. had the sense to put them in the fridge.
9. The music's not very good. should change it. Let's get some action here.
10. Finally! good music. But why isn't dancing/ But why is dancing? Don't people know how to have fun anymore?
11. Hey! That girl is looking at me. I wonder if there is else interested in me.
12. No, there's who really attracts me /There isn't who attracts me. Too bad!
13. food! attractive girls! seems to know how to organize decent parties anymore.
14. I don't want to stay here. There must be more interesting than this.

Handout 3

Write the types of sentences – positive, negative, question.

vladalogunova vladalogunova    1   20.10.2020 08:03    2

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