Сократите текст, для пересказа! did you know that 93 per cent of our communication with others is non-verbal? what we actually say makes up only seven per cent of the picture! that's what us scientist rav birdwhistell found out when he began to study body language back in the 1950s. he filmed conversations and then played them back in slow motion to examine gestures, expressions and posture. when he noticed the same movements happening again and again, he realised that the body can talk too! we use our bodies to send messages all the time we nod instead of saying 'yes', shrug our shoulders to mean i don't know', or raise our eyebrows to show surprise. but even when we don't want other people to know how we're feeling, our body language can give us away. it's not difficult to find out what someone is really thinking - and they won't even know it! the way we sit or stand, the expression on our face can reveal far more than words. but many of us miss these important signals, because we don't know what to look out for. here are some useful tips! how can you tell if a friend is fibbing to you? they'll often start blushing. they're embarrassed because they know they're not telling the truth. they'll probably look away while they're talking as well. that's because our eyes can reveal what we're thinking, even if we're saying the opposite out loud. boys tend to look at the ground when they're lying, while girls look at the ceiling. if they put a hand over their mouth, it's another signal they're lying. its as if they're trying to cover up the lie. imagine you're asking your teacher for a few more days to finish your homework. as you talk doesn't want to hear what you're saying so she starts rubbing her ear. this is a signal that she forget it! remember putting both hands over your ears as a child to block out your parents' words? someone who folds their arms tightly across their chest is sending a similar signal. we use folded arms as a defensive barrier to protect ourselves when we feel nervous or think someone is criticising us. so, if you're making a point in a discussion, and the others fold their arms, you'd better give up! they're shutting your ideas out and you won't convince them - even if they say they agree with you. have you begun to understand how body language works? now you can use it to your own advantage. follow these tips, and you could become the most popular student in the school! you've met someone who you'd like to get to know better. look them in the eye - it shows you're sincere. when they're talking, lean slightly forward towards them and tilt your head on one side. this gives the message 'i'm interested and i'm paying attention.' imitate their gestures. if they cross their legs, do the same. but be careful! don't be too obvious or they'll think you're making fun of them. even though body language is common to everyone, there are still some cultural differences. to avoid any communication problems, it's a good idea to learn these if you want to travel abroad and make friends with people from another culture.