Соедините два (или три) существительных. Иногда вам нужно использовать -s или -s '; а иногда приходится использовать ... из ...
Join the two (or three) nouns. Sometimes you have to use -'s or -s';
and sometimes you have to use ... of ...
1. the owner/that car _the owner of that car
2. the mother/Ann --
3. the jacket/that man ---
4. the top/the page ---
5. the daughter/Charles ---
6. the cause/the problem ---
7. the newspaper/yesterday ---
8. the birthday/my father ---
9. the name/this street ---
10. the toys/the children ---
11. the new manager/the company ---

soffi2006 soffi2006    3   19.10.2020 21:41    15

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