Соедените слова в словосочетания
1.roast A.the carrot
2.stir B.the cream
3.pour C.the lamb
4.fry D.the peas
5.boil E.the sauce
6.peel F.the garlic
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LOLgreen LOLgreen    2   06.03.2020 02:41    14

polinaaksd polinaaksd  18.01.2024 19:45
1. roast - the lamb
To connect the words "roast" and "the lamb" into a phrase, we use the verb "roast" to describe the action of cooking the meat, in this case, lamb.

2. stir - the sauce
To form a noun phrase, we combine the action verb "stir" with the object "the sauce." This implies mixing the sauce ingredients together by moving a spoon or whisk in a circular motion.

3. pour - the cream
The phrase "pour the cream" indicates the action of transferring the liquid substance, in this case, cream, from its container to another vessel.

4. fry - the peas
When we combine the verb "fry" with the object "the peas," we are describing the cooking method of heating a small amount of oil or butter in a pan and cooking the peas until they turn crispy or tender.

5. boil - the carrots
Using the verb "boil" with the object "the carrots" suggests the process of immersing carrots in boiling water until they become tender.

6. peel - the garlic
To create the phrase "peel the garlic," we indicate the action of removing the skin or outer layer from the garlic cloves to access the edible part inside.

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