Сочинения про младшего брата на англиском и с переводом (40 слов) (ему 7 лет 2 класс)

5Артём 5Артём    1   05.09.2021 18:38    0

Единорог20001 Единорог20001  05.09.2021 18:40

       My younger brother's name is Dennis, he is seven years old and he studies in the second grade. He is a tall, strong boy with blue eyes, straight dark hair. thin lips and a small nose.

        He goes to the same school that I do, but he studies a bit better than I do, especially he gets better marks in maths and physics. He is not good at sports activities simply because he doesn't like doing any sports except playing chess.

        I can honestly say that my brother is an energetic, easy-going individual who is very protective towards his friends and who gladly volunteers to help them when they need him.

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