Сочинение по языку потерялся слоненок элефан

zhovnovich zhovnovich    2   07.07.2019 12:30    0

leravolk399 leravolk399  30.07.2020 19:25
An elephant is an extremely powerful and quite symbolic animal that is currently the largest of land mammals. At present there are two species of elephants: African and Indian. A number of world religions consider elephant as a symbol of wisdom and strength. There are some reasons for this: elephants have well-developed intellect, memory and, what is more important, they have their own complex system of communication and relationships. A group of elephants never leaves their dying congener while a lost baby elephant is able to recognize the signals of its mother at a distance of kilometers.Elephants, particularly Indian, respond well to training. At the age of Alexander the Great Indians used elephants as their strike force. Time has passed, but people still use the incredible power of these huge creatures.
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