Сочинение по о там как вы ходили с мамой в кафе. расскажите о персонале и о вкусе еды. в конце обязательно скажите рекомендую или нет. заранее .

vpuzerov vpuzerov    1   09.09.2019 06:00    1

Лиза0611 Лиза0611  07.10.2020 02:28
Today we with my mum went to a cafe. We ordered the insanely delicious pasta and a cold refreshing juice, there were extremely friendly staff including a beautiful waitress, she was very nice. Cook that cooks simply amazing. We are not first time with my mom in this cafe, I love the pasta from this place. I recommend this cafe because the food is very tasty and the staff is friendly and kind.
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