Сочинение на тему транспорт в моем городе и как бы я хотела его изменить на языке но можно и на

8HELP8 8HELP8    1   16.05.2019 19:11    1

shitovilya shitovilya  29.03.2020 11:05

My town is not too big, but there are some peculiarities with its traffic. People can come to their places by bus or trolley-bus. Most pensioners prefer those kinds of transport. Adults and the youth choose minibuses. We don't have trams and metro here. In the centre of the town there is a railway station. However our town is not huge city, there can also be some traffic jams. They may happen at 9 o'clock in the morning and at 6 o'clock in the evening when people come to work and return to home. I believe, it will be better to have metro in our town because the number of cars is grown every day!


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