Сочинение на на тему моя квартира 7 8 предложений максимум

человек9527 человек9527    1   02.09.2019 15:50    1

мария2095 мария2095  06.10.2020 12:35
I'm going to give a talk about my flat. It is very cozy and contains three rooms, a bathroom, a toilet and a kitchen.
The first room is living room. There all the members of the family or our guests can gather together and watch TV, play different games or just talk.
The second room is my bedroom, and it goes without saying that it's the favourite room in my flat. It is not large but it's spacious enough for all my things. There I can rest, do my homework or any things I want without disturbing my housemates.
The third room is my parents' bedroom, which they also use as a working cabinet sometimes.
All in all, I think my flat is very comfortable and I like to live there.
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