Kazakh national cuisine fully reflects the essence of the people, its history, culture and traditions. Since hospitality has long been a distinctive feature of the Kazakh people, guests in the house are always properly received and given a place of honor. First, the guest is offered koumiss - mare's milk, fermented milk products: shubat - from camel milk or ayran - from cow's milk.
Then, for tea (with milk or cream), boorsoks are served - dough balls fried in boiling oil, raisins, irimshik and kurt - dried balls of cheese and cottage cheese.
Then tortillas and snacks from horse meat or mutton appear on the dastarkhan: kazy, shuzhak, zhal, zhaya, karta, kabyrga. The most popular dish among Kazakhs is besbarmak. If we classify Kazakh dishes, then besbarmak will undoubtedly be the most important. Besbarmak means "five fingers" in Kazakh.
Besbarmak usually consists of boiled meat (often several types - horse meat, lamb, beef and camel meat), noodles cooked in large rectangles and rich broth.
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Then, for tea (with milk or cream), boorsoks are served - dough balls fried in boiling oil, raisins, irimshik and kurt - dried balls of cheese and cottage cheese.
Then tortillas and snacks from horse meat or mutton appear on the dastarkhan: kazy, shuzhak, zhal, zhaya, karta, kabyrga. The most popular dish among Kazakhs is besbarmak. If we classify Kazakh dishes, then besbarmak will undoubtedly be the most important. Besbarmak means "five fingers" in Kazakh.
Besbarmak usually consists of boiled meat (often several types - horse meat, lamb, beef and camel meat), noodles cooked in large rectangles and rich broth.
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