Сочинение на 10-13 предл. Какие города находятся в Великобритании, чем знаменит и надо заинтересовать людей поехать туда

соня7891 соня7891    1   07.10.2020 11:30    1

ElementalOfChaos ElementalOfChaos  07.10.2020 12:01
I think United Kingdom is really popular country in Europe. The most famous city is London we all know it. A lot of tourists have traveled here. It’s known by lot of people because it’s English country, it has Big Ben Britain clocks. Queen Elizabeth ll lives there. This country good for practicing English skills. A lot of singer and actors are from UK. There is really good art school so it means most of artists from this city. A lot of popular movies were filmed in London. In my opinion This is why city London is famous.
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