Сочинение как я провел новы год ❤

Табалаев Табалаев    2   14.01.2020 08:49    1

Pelmenchik Pelmenchik  11.10.2020 00:36

Ну смотри,ты б хотя бы уточнил как и где провел

Вот набросок сочинения,где провод нового года был дома

How i spent my New Year?I spent my New Year at my home,with my family.We cooked some salads and other food like chicken,mini sandwiches.

We started cook food at morning.We cooked salads "Mimoza",Olivie" and "Seledka pod shuboi"

At first we start the easiest salad.It was Olivie

We chopped some pickles,eggs and vegetables,mixed it with other ingredients.When my mom started cook other salads,i slept in my room at bed

I woke up at 11:00 am,when president started saying his speech.

My mom and dad drunk some glasses of champagne ,and i drunk some Coca-Cola

After celebrating,i slept,and at next day i found a radio control car under our Christmas-Tree!

I spent my New Year very good

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