Сочинение 6-8 предложений на тему: list of ideas about how to make birthday celebrations special for you classmates (перевод: как сделать день рождение особенным или как можно поздравить своих одноклассников)

Срочноооооопжлст Срочноооооопжлст    1   18.05.2019 00:50    2

madam7952 madam7952  11.06.2020 05:50

There many ways to make somebody's birthday unforgettable, funny and interesting.

First of all, use as many balloons as possible. they are colourful and everybody can write sweet words on them.

Second of all, don't forget about music. but choose careful, every your guest should like it.

And of course, take care of a big, sweet birthday cake. And buy candles for it.

Everybody on this party should smile, laugh and enjoy.


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