Со словообразованием. predict the weather depends on the information we have.(able) used to collect weather data, including amount of rainfall, temperature and wind speed and direction from over the world.(equip) computer make a ) between these present-day figures and ) records, then try to predict the figure on the basis of the past. large computers also help to produce a ) picture of the lakely weather using a model of the earth in their memories. even with these aids,nature is so (predict) that our forecast are accurate for only for a few days

sabinagamzaeva sabinagamzaeva    2   26.06.2019 15:50    0

iga5 iga5  21.07.2020 11:56
Our ability to predict the weather depends on the information we have. (able)
Special equipment is used to collect weather data, including amount of rainfall, temperature and wind speed and direction from over the world. (equip)
Computers make a comparison (compare) between these present-day figures and historical (history) records, then try to predict the figure on the basis of the past.
Large computers also help to produce a detailed (detail) picture of the likely weather using a model of the Earth in their memories.
Even with these aids, nature is so unpredictable (predict) that our forecast are accurate for only for a few days