Слова в предложениях перепутались! составь предложения, написав слова в правильном порядке. (не пиши в поля ответов точки, используй только данные слова) 1) wakes he early up . 2) takes shower a he . 3) breakfast has he . 4) brushes teeth he the . 5) goes he school to . 6) he with plays friends his .

almazina1 almazina1    3   05.10.2019 10:50    0

MaiorPeZDoBi4 MaiorPeZDoBi4  27.08.2020 13:16
1.He wakes up early.
2.He takes a shower.
3.He has breakfast.
4.He brushes the teeth.
5.He goes to school.
6.He plays with his friends.

bosswww228 bosswww228  27.08.2020 13:16
1) He wakes up early
2) He takes a shower
3) He has breakfast
4) He brushes the teeth
5) He goes to school
6) He play with his friends
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