Скласти міні розповідь про минуле літо використовуючи минулий неозначений час англійська мова (6-7 речень) ​

ZikZaka2 ZikZaka2    2   11.09.2020 18:16    0

nnxxxmm5p03cok nnxxxmm5p03cok  15.10.2020 20:27

This summer was so cool.  I have visited a lot of differrent cities( KIev, and others). I wap playing football and volleyball with my friends. Summer was enouth hot to swim in the river, so I was also swimming in the river. By the way I have visited summer camp, it was the time in the summer. Dispite the coronavirus this summer was great and I have got a lot of positive emotions.


by the way- кстати

dispite- не смотря на

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