Сказка на языке (своя) 10 предложений плез

zaynab20032003 zaynab20032003    1   02.08.2019 09:30    2

Goliafos Goliafos  03.10.2020 20:11
That day was absolutely like all previous here, exept one thing.I woke up with strange feelings. As usual I went to check all systems of my ship called Earth and looked at the window... "Why not Mud?"- had asked with laughter some of my friends. They never trusted in stories about "people". They say, only children believe, that people exist. My friends think, only the ideal form of life can live in this cruel world. Maybe they are right, robots are ideal... But let's get back to me, standing alone in my ship and looking at a wonderful blue planet. I couldn't be wrong, that was Earth.     
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