Скажите, что это не так. (составьте отрицательные предложения, воспользовавшись табличкой на стр.88) 1) there is a cake on the table. - ………………….. on the table. 2) there was a cake on the table. - ………………….. on the table. 3) there were sweets in the bag. - …………………… in the bag. 4) there are sweets in the bag. - …………………… in the bag. 5) there was a puppy in the box. - ………………….. in the box. 6) there is a puppy in the box. - ………………….. in the box.

Myziki Myziki    3   18.07.2019 09:50    12

12345678901234567834 12345678901234567834  07.09.2020 14:59
Таблички нет, но можно так:
1) There is no cake on the table.
2) There was not any cake on the table.
3) There were no sweets in the bag.
4) There are not any sweets in the bag.
5) There was no puppy in the box.
6) There is not any puppy in the box
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