Sixteen of the words in this activity are not adjectives. Twenty-four are adjectives. On the line after each question number, write the fi rst letter of the twenty-four adjectives in this list below.
Then write these twenty-four letters (consecutively) on the lines below Zoo Animals. These twentyfour consecutive letters spell out the names of fi ve animals found in a zoo.
1. nothing 21. plumber
2. pretty 22. brave
3. crust 23. interesting
4. faith 24. marry
5. attractive 25. smart
6. grabbed 26. old
7. nice 27. solitude
8. America 28. nasty
9. dainty 29. beautifully
10. agile 30. proud
11. mechanic 31. infantile
12. mean 32. earn
13. they 33. great
14. odd 34. forget
15. noisy 35. zany
16. nor 36. elegant
17. kind 37. boastful
18. neither 38. rigid
19. easy 39. decide
20. young 40. average