A. are on TV B. are quiet C. are loud alarm bells D. are school bells
2. If a tornado is approaching, it is….
A. getting nearer B. going away C. getting bigger D. growing stronger
3. Essential items are…
A. fun items B. unimportant items C. necessary items D. legos and toys
4. Flying pieces of debris are….
A. not safe B. safe C. interesting D. predictable
5. Radios that operate on batteries…
A. work with cables B. don’t need batteries C. are solar powered D. get power from batteries
6. If a tornado is in the vicinity, it is…
A. far away from you B. predictable C. near you D. looking for you
7. Non-perishable foods might include…
A. a can of tomatoes B. apples C. milk D. fresh tomatoes
8. If you are insane, you feel…
A. not normal and silly B. very normal and calm C. angry and mad D. very sad and quiet
9. If someone is furious with you, they are….
A. very happy with you B. quite confused by you C. very mad at you D. quite interested in you
Directions: Answer the following questions using what you know about finding the topic, supporting details and main idea of a story.
10. What is the topic of this story?
A. natural disasters B. Mrs. Rachel’s sister C. cookies D. tornado safety
11. Which is NOT a supporting detail in the story?
A. Mrs. Rachel’s mom told her what to do if there is a tornado
B. Mrs. Rachel and her sister did not panic when they heard the tornado sirens, they remained calm
C. Mrs. Rachel and her sister prepared for the tornado correctly
D. Mrs. Rachel’s mom told her why she should pack essential items and food in a bag to prepare for a tornado
12. What is the main idea of the story?
A. When you prepare for a natural disaster like a tornado, you should pack a safety bag.
B. When you hear tornado sirens, you should remain calm.
C. When you prepare for a natural disaster like a tornado, you should know what to pack in a safety bag and why.
D. When you hide from a tornado, it is important to stay hidden for at least three hours.