Шокан уалиханов эссе на , желательно с переводом, !

lari133 lari133    2   24.08.2019 20:50    0

Стонт2132 Стонт2132  05.10.2020 17:21
In November 1835 the impact Kosmurun station in Kostanay region Kushmurunskiy Auliekol District known senior Sultan was born in the family of Chingiz Valikhanov. Father Genghis Valikhanovich when Amankaragay dwanınıñ (Karaoba city center) senior Sultan. In 1844 the district center after the change of the castle changed the name Kosmurun Dwayne Kushmurun. Shokan my grandfather Wali Khan of the Middle Horde. Kazakh Horde, the founder of the Great Khan Ablai, shock and great-grandchildren. Shokan childhood winter capital in Küntïmes Obagan along the right Aqqanburlıq in the basin in the summer in their location. My grandmother lives in the estate, held in the capital of the Han Sırımbettegi Baldauren days.
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