
7. Заполните пропуски в предложениях подходящими по смыслу словами в нужной форме.

Piano Bar assign diversity laws catering convention

1. Charles Darwin saw in (1) of species the principles of evolution that operated to generate the species: variation, competition and selection.
2. Pete’s Rock N’ Roll Dueling (2) is celebrating twenty years in business on October 31.
3. This (3) of people and religion is the reason that the kingdom in different parts is under different forms of government, and that their (4) and customs are extremely various.
4. Next year (5) will be in Chicago.
5. (6) is a business that caters banquets and weddings.
6. They (7) the new car to Roger.

555gm 555gm    1   20.04.2020 20:29    138

nastiaalecko00 nastiaalecko00  10.01.2024 21:12
1. Charles Darwin saw in diversity of species the principles of evolution that operated to generate the species: variation, competition and selection.

Explanation: The word "diversity" fits logically in the context as it refers to the variety or range of different species.

2. Pete's Rock N' Roll Dueling convention is celebrating twenty years in business on October 31.

Explanation: The word "convention" makes sense in this sentence as it implies that Pete's Rock N' Roll Dueling venue is hosting an event or gathering to commemorate its twenty years in business.

3. This diversity of people and religion is the reason that the kingdom in different parts is under different forms of government, and that their laws and customs are extremely various.

Explanation: The word "diversity" fits here as it refers to the variety or range of different people and religions present in a particular kingdom or region.

4. Next year the convention will be in Chicago.

Explanation: The word "convention" makes sense here as it implies that a specific event or gathering will take place in Chicago the following year.

5. Catering is a business that caters banquets and weddings.

Explanation: The word "catering" makes sense in this context as it refers to the provision of food and services for events such as banquets and weddings.

6. They assign the new car to Roger.

Explanation: The word "assign" fits logically in this sentence as it implies the action of allocating or giving the new car to Roger.
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