Sequence, productivity, wage(s), rule of thumb, output, in full swing, to set up, investment (in smth), efficiency, to put smth in/into smth, in the beginning, at the beginning, i n the end, at the end, to handle, lasting, insight подставить в текст из слов више 1) do you think this port 100 million tons of cargo each year? 2) of this industry is only about 40% of japanese levels. 3) our refinery plant hopes to increase to 35 tons a day. 4) "well, alan, now you describe of yesterday's events". 5) as you should cook a chicken for 20 minutes for each hind that it weighs. 6) you can hope for a good return on if they are made in oil or gas industries. 7) it would improve if we used more up-to-date meth ods. 8) this company has several new branches in scot land. 9) taxes and insurance, as a rule, are deducted that person earns. 10) the debates when we entered the conference-room.

Пользовательудален Пользовательудален    1   24.06.2019 00:20    0

ffhbcdfhj ffhbcdfhj  02.10.2020 09:46
1) Do you think this port can handle 100 million tons of cargo each year?
2) The productivity of this industry is only about 40% of Japanese levels.
3) Our refinery plant hopes to increase its output to 35 tons a day.
4) "Well, Alan, now you describe the sequence of yesterday's events".
5) As a rule of thumb you should cook a chicken for 20 minutes for each Hind that it weighs.
6) You can hope for a good return on your investment if they are made in oil or gas industries.
7) It would improve our efficiency if we used more up-to-date methods.
8) This company has already set up several new branches in Scotland.
9) Taxes and insurance, as a rule, are deducted from wages that person earns.
10) The debates were in full swing when we entered the conference-room.
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