Season 2 Match the words in bold in the text with
the definitions.
1 Summer, winter, spring or autumn.
2 When different people or things live
3 A warning to tell people something
dangerous might happen.
4 When a person or animal is very
hungry because there is no food
to eat.
5 The people who live in a place.
6 When people or animals meet
by chance

M18voronenko M18voronenko    2   28.01.2021 07:53    30

Marry888 Marry888  21.01.2024 19:08
1. Season - Summer, winter, spring or autumn.
Explanation: A season refers to one of the four major divisions of the year, namely summer, winter, spring, or autumn.

2. Live together - When different people or things live together.
Explanation: Living together means coexisting or sharing the same space, usually referring to people residing in the same place or things cohabiting.

3. Warning - A warning to tell people something dangerous might happen.
Explanation: A warning is a statement or sign that alerts people about a potential danger or harmful situation that could occur.

4. Very hungry - When a person or animal is very hungry because there is no food to eat.
Explanation: Being very hungry means experiencing extreme hunger or having a strong desire for food due to the absence or scarcity of available food.

5. People - The people who live in a place.
Explanation: "People" refers to the individuals who inhabit a specific location or place, forming a community or society.

6. Meet by chance - When people or animals meet by chance.
Explanation: Meeting by chance implies an encounter that occurs unexpectedly or accidentally, without any prearrangement or prior intention for the meeting to take place.

Now, let's match the words with their definitions:

1. Season matches with - Summer, winter, spring or autumn.
2. Live together matches with - When different people or things live together.
3. Warning matches with - A warning to tell people something dangerous might happen.
4. Very hungry matches with - When a person or animal is very hungry because there is no food to eat.
5. People matches with - The people who live in a place.
6. Meet by chance matches with - When people or animals meet by chance.
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